Clan Keith Society USA, Inc.


The Clan Keith Society USA, Inc. is a non-profit IRS 501 (C) 4 organization whose purpose is to promote education and fellowship for individuals and families living in the United States whose ancestry trace back to one of Scotland’s oldest and most illustrious families.

This is the only Official Web page of Clan Keith Society USA. It is operated by the Officers and Board of Directors for the benefit of our Society and social media outreach efforts. Your interest in Clan Keith is welcome.

Are You a Keith?

The Names and Families of Clan Keith

Achindachy – Astine – Aston – Austen – Austie – Austin – Cate (s) – Dick – Dickson – Dickison – Dicson –

Dixon – Dixson – Falconer – Falconor – Faulkner – Harvie – Harvey – Hackston – Haxton – Hervie – Hervey

Hurrie – Hurry – Keath – Keech – Keeth – Keith – Keyth – Kite – Lum – Lumgain (e) – Lumgair – MacAustin –

MacDeech – MacDick – MacDicken (s) – MacDickie – MacDickin (s)- MacDicky – MacDickson- MacGeath-

MacKeeth – MacKeitch – MacKeith – MacKeithan – MacKeth- Mackett – MacNeithan – Marshall – Urie –

Urry and variations in spelling of the above.


Become a Member

Are you ready to embrace a rich heritage and connect with fellow enthusiasts of Scottish culture? Join the Clan Keith Society USA today and embark on an extraordinary journey of discovery. Embrace your Scottish roots and become a part of our proud heritage—join the Clan Keith Society USA now and let your legacy flourish!


Our History

Delve into the captivating history of the Clan Keith and unravel the tales of valor, resilience, and noble heritage. From ancient Highland battles to the illustrious figures who shaped our legacy, there’s a treasure trove of stories waiting to be discovered.  Join us in uncovering the captivating history of the Clan Keith and let our heritage ignite your curiosity.


Become a Convener

Are you ready to take on a leadership role and play a vital part in preserving and promoting the heritage of the Clan Keith? As a Convener, you will have the unique opportunity to organize gatherings, events, and activities that bring together fellow clan members, fostering a sense of community and strengthening our bonds. 

Clan Keith Timeline

Latest News From Clan Keith USA

Interested in Becoming a Member?

Member support is the life blood of our Society. It is our passion and purpose to educate and preserve the history of this great clan. Please consider becoming a member today! 

Webmaster – Ryan Keith –

© 2023 Clan Keith Society USA, INC.